Make Upwork jobs come to you!

Automate your job acquisition process with real-time Upwork notifications, ensuring you never miss out on high-paying clients. Boost productivity, streamline your workflow, and watch your income soar with minimal effort.

1st Month is FREE!

How Freelance Autopilot Works

Basically, Freelance Autopilot helps you get more freelance jobs faster by making it easier for you to find and apply for them. It's not like UpWork or other freelance marketplaces where you bid on projects. Instead, it's a tool that simplifies the job acquisition process for you.

Get more proposal views by being first to apply.

With this tool, you can receive quick UpWork job alerts. This means that you'll have a better chance of being one of the first to apply, which can make all the difference when it comes to landing the job.

Why use Freelance Autopilot?

Get notified immediately when jobs are posted

Be the 1st applicant on new jobs

Land more interviews and more jobs

1st Month is FREE!